To be eligible for this program, children not yet in school must meet all of the following criteria: They must have been enrolled in school in June 2022.

(Students who applied over the summer may have their benefits issued in November.) They must have been eligible for Free/Reduced price meal benefits during the 2021-2022 school year.To be eligible for this program, students must meet all of the following criteria: These benefits were issued October 17, 2022.Maine has, also, been authorized to issue P-EBT benefits for the summer of 2022. August and June each only count as ½ of a school year month. They are based on the average reduction in Child Care Food Program claims for the same month pre-pandemic. The average monthly benefit for children under 6 is about $33 but varies greatly from month to month. They cannot have received P-EBT as a school aged child for any month in the 2021-2022 school year.They must have been receiving SNAP benefits in Maine in a given month (August 2021 through June 2022) to be eligible for P-EBT for that month.They must have been under age 6 on September 1, 2021.To be eligible for this program, individuals must meet all of the following criteria: These benefits were issued September 6, 2022.Maine has, also, been authorized to issue P-EBT benefits to children under age 6 for the 2021-2022 school year. Students must be eligible for Free/Reduced price meal benefits under the USDA National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program’s meal benefit application, through one of the methods above.

They must attend a school that was closed or had reduced attendance due to COVID-19 for 5 consecutive days.To be eligible for this program individuals must meet all of the following criteria: Benefits for the remainder of the school year were issued August 29, 2022.Benefits for August through November 2021 were issued June 21 - 25 and September 12, 2022.Maine has been authorized to issue P-EBT benefits to eligible school aged children for the 2021-2022 school year. In response to COVID-19 and related laws, the Office for Family Independence has made a number of temporary changes to safety net programs including SNAP. Option 3: E-mail an application to 4: Fax an application to (207) 778-8429.
Option 2: Download and mail an application. Option 1: Apply online through My Maine Connection.